Finding your way forward when you’re feeling lost in business and when you’re unsure of your next steps.

Are you at that stage of your business where all you want to do is rest? Not only your body but your soul too. But there seems to be no way off the rollercoaster because now you’re at the next-level stuff.

You’ve hit your big income goals and you’re wondering “Now what”?

It certainly made some things easier, it brought you the freedom that you were looking for. You’ve traveled the world. You’ve bought yourself all the things you wanted and dreamed of.

You’ve uplevelled your lifestyle massively, but you also recognise that it isn’t a solution to everything.

The stakes are much higher now. Because now you’ve got to replicate it, do more – the rollercoaster of bigger, better, next. 

What’s the next money goal you’re expected to go for? From 10k months to 50k months to 6 figures and more. Not to mention the team and everyone else that is depending on you. Everyone is watching now. They’re looking up to you. The bar has been raised.


“How in the world do I replicate this? And scale it? What if I fail? They will think I’m a fraud.”


And you might be at the stage where you’re pushing yourself harder in an attempt to keep up with that level of responsibility. After all, you’re the action taker, you get things done. You might even be feeling like you need to keep selling success to feel successful. But also appear successful to sell success. What a catch-22.

There are not enough spa days and holidays to fill you up and counteract the burnout of the soul.

What happens even if you stop running a business? Go back to being an employee? Can you be an employee again?


First of all, as much as it might seem like you’re in this on your own, I am here to reassure you that you’re not. There are many, maaaany more entrepreneurs in this game feeling exactly the same.

I know because I’ve had plenty of these intimate conversations over the past 12 months, and not many want to talk about it publicly for various reasons. I don’t blame or judge them.

To some extent, I’ve been there myself too. All I wanted was to be left alone and give up on it all, fed up with all the “fakeness” of the industry and the unsustainable (for many) standards and expectations it has set.

Disappointed with people I thought had more integrity, realising the lack of authenticity, the smoke, and mirrors that are often put up to keep up with appearances. Removing the pink glasses off and seeing it for what it is.

It took a good portion of the last year to process it all. There were not many people I could turn to for support as I was going through this period of realignment. (However, there were a few trusted and close incredible souls).

De-throning some people from the pedestal I put them on and finding my way forward being my own hero.

So what can you do about it? 

? Keep coming back to yourself and your needs and desires, and doing the things that fill your cup. 

? Get to know yourself intimately and deeply and explore what are your soul desires. 

? Journal. 

? Talk to people you trust. 

If you’re finding that you need a little bit more support unpacking all the emotions, thoughts, doubts, and fears – SIGN UP FOR MY NEWSLETTER BELOW. You will get notified when my new 1-2-1 program goes live. 

I am opening up a 1-2-1 program very soon, where you will be guided as you go through this process yourself.

I’ve realised there are not many spaces for this kind of processing, healing and inner growth so I had to create one. 

Many masterminds often do not have the space for 1-2-1 work nor the confidentiality for you to be able to express the thoughts you’re having.

This container is in a 1-2-1 setting with me.

Intense yet grounding. 


Healing. For your body, your neurology, and your soul.

To help you steady your ship, navigate through the whirlwind of emotions whilst supporting you in finding your truth.

Connecting to your own values, your own integrity and your own authenticity.

Being the hero of your own story.

Come join me in my 1-2-1 program “Deeper”.

Where the pursuit for the next, bigger and better stops. (Until you’re ready to get back to expansion and growth, should you choose to do so and on your terms).

Where the depth of the connection to yourself, authentic living, healing, and grounding starts.

❌ No more chasing for fulfillment in material things, courses, and certifications.

❌ No more searching for aliveness in holidays abroad and intensive, hyped-up experiences only to crash and burn afterward.
❌ No more looking for heroes of your own healing and growth.

? The missing piece is (within) YOU. ?

With all my love,
Your Divine Awakener