Ena has supported me with Virtual Assistant tasks in my business in the past.

I love working with action takers and Ena always delievered what we discussed on time. 

She has great technical skills and was able to help me update my WordPress website as well as create sales and lead magnet pages and the necessary email automation.

I wholeheartedly recommend Ena.

Janine Wirth

I’ve been running my own business for over 15 years now.

I was in the habit of doing everything myself, and outsourcing didn’t come naturally to me. I got to a point where I was simply overwhelmed with the amount of work I had and there were simply not enough hours in the day.

Ena has been a breath of fresh air. She takes the initiative and completes the tasks which I don’t need to be doing, and which don’t light me up.
I haven’t had to train her as she’s already familiar with the systems that I use, and where she’s not, she simply learns how to use them.

It means I can focus more fully on the stuff I love doing, and I can throw my energy completely into working with my clients.

Not only that, I have more time to create new projects and collaborations which is helping me scale and grow my business in a way that I wouldn’t be able to do alone.
Vicky Etherington

The Website Mentor

Before working with Ena I was wasting time trying to figure out how to set up all my funnels myself.

I had hired a couple of VA’s but they had let me down and none of them communicated effectively and I felt frustrated and needed to find a VA who understood tech and was a good communicator.

I decided I would only go by recommendation to not make the same mistake again and that’s when I found Ena.

Ena not only was great at communicating but so willing to learn and understand both the technology, my business and how I like to work.

I now feel like I can fully trust Ena to help me with all tech sides of my business while I get on with doing what I’m best at, coaching!

As a coach I always say how important it is to create the space for new clients to come and after 8 days of working with Ena I attracted 3 new ideal clients and had my highest earning week!

I highly recommend Ena for anyone looking for a VA who is supportive, great at communicating and with great attention to detail.

Working with Ena has been a breath of fresh air and I’m looking forward to continuing my journey with her support.

Thanks Ena!

Kirsty Carden

I’ve worked with a few VA’s, some great, some not so great.

When you run your own business solo you need really reliable support. I needed to get an email automation off my list and while I could do it myself, I knew that I wanted to outsource it.

I also wanted it now because it was holding other things up for me and I was never able to get to it.

Working with Ena was easy. We jumped on a call to see what I needed, she explained her understanding of the task and got to work.

She kept me posted on progress throughout and the task was done really quickly and to a really high standard.

She even created a video for me to explain the process going forward, which is fab.

While we can do these things as business owners, our time is better spent bringing on and serving our clients.

Working with Ena was easy, really quick and I am now a happy bunny because I can just get on with my stuff while my automation brings me in new clients!

I would highly recommend Ena, she’s easy to work with, super efficient and fun!

In fact I’m not sure why I’m telling you all this, I should be keeping her all to myself!

Ruby McGuire

Having delivered a live masterclass just before leaving to go on holiday, Ena suggested that it would be a great plan to automate it on my website.

So, with nothing to lose, I gave her access to all the recordings, my website and email marketing system, and I left her to do it.

10 days later, on my return from my holiday, my automated masterclass was up and running on my website and generating and bringing in money.

It literally happened like magic, and I can’t wait to run another so I can hand it over to Ena to wave her magic wand all over again.

Because now these masterclasses are generating passive income and I didn’t lift a finger.

So for anyone who is wanting to turn any webinars/challenges into an automated income stream, I can’t recommend Ena enough.

Not only will she do all of the setup, but she does it with attention to detail so that all those tech gremlins are laid to rest.

Vicky Etherington

The Website Mentor

Before I started working with Ena, I was wasting so much time on the tech pieces in my business which I absolutely hated, I was frustrated because I was always so busy spending time on activities that were not making me any money and quite frankly stealing joy out of my business. 

Ena is more than a VA, she is the back bone of your business, just after a single hour of working with her, I knew I was onto something special. 

I felt fully supported and at ease knowing that the work was not just completed, but was implemented to a very high standard. 

Ena also offer strategic input, she lets you know what she feels will work and what won’t, it’s a co-creation. 

Sourcing amazing team members is not easy, I have had my fair share of VA’s which is why I feel very lucky to have found Ena. 

Since working with Ena, I have had the time to work on content, which I couldn’t do consistently before. 

I spend afternoons after school totally presesnt with my son instead of trying to fit in non coaching/content activities. This means the world to me. 

I have total peace of mind knowing Ena is on my team and I selfishly want her expertise all to myself. One day ☺️

Charlene Salmon